"The Word of God condemns all of this! No one who names the Name of Jesus is to participate in ANY of this! These things quench God’s Spirit, affront His Holy Character, and obliterate His Love! If you are a believer, according to God’s Word you will not – you cannot – participate in any way in any of these things."
"In Ephesians, after Paul revealed the supreme truth of the life transformed by the grace and glory of God referred to earlier, he fully implored the believers to live according to the call with which they were called. He declared that believers are no longer to conduct themselves as unbelievers do – in the vanity of their minds because of their dark thoughts. He said that unbelievers lived this way because they were excluded from God’s life because of their ignorance of God and that this ignorance was grounded in the hardness of their hearts. Then he laid out the realities of the deadly situation that result from this hardness of heart. These realities issue into the very things that concern us. He said that this very hardheartedness produced a further callousness of the conscience and that that callousness itself produced giving oneself over to licentiousness for the practice of every kind of impurity with the desire for more. These words show, indeed, the lethal downward spiraling effect of the power of sin to rapidly reproduce itself in greater degrees of sinfulness. As part of the holy remedy of believers who have been delivered from these kinds of sin, he said that they were to allow no unwholesome word to proceed from their mouths, but were to utter only words that were beneficial for building up their fellow believers according to their needs. Very soon after these words, Jesus declared through Paul that the believers were (and are) therefore to be imitators of God, as beloved children, and to walk in love, just as Christ also loved you, and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a sweet smelling fragrance."