Monday, April 20, 2009


Perhaps I am just slightly radical when I say this, but I am convinced that the Gospels are a manifesto of sorts to all people who see their need for a hope because of the desperation of life or circumstance. I mean, to paint a sad picture of this, we just need to look briefly at modern philosophers. Albert Camus said that the only serious philosophical problem that we need to consider is suicide. Fyoder Dostoyevsky said that without God, all things are permitted. These are depressing statements because they indicate that life is indeed a hopeless experience without God. Albert Camus was right--if there is no God then the only serious problem worth consideration is suicide. This lonliness of being is the backdrop, or the darkness of the human soul. Lonliness will lead to moral blindness because God alone is life, and this Life is the Light of humankind (John 1). To be awakened in the natural birth, then to develop in body and mind only to realize that you are alone in an absurd, fallen world is death indeed.

Mark opens up his book by introducing the Son of God as Good News. Good News of what? Good News that by a faith and courage, we can follow Jesus and have hope in a new life through the sacrifice of a loving God. The whole point of the Marcan Gospel is that God has appointed us to live for Him with our heart, soul, strength,and mind in deeply rooted discipleship of Jesus. I am filled with joy when I read and consider the Scriptures because the Helper tells me that all of what has been said in this book is true and that we have a hope. We do not need to be afraid, or to become lost in the seemingly hopeless waste of modern society. Their is an anchor that will hold us in new Life, the Holy One, Jesus Christ.

Overall, the Gospels bear the testimony of Jesus Christ who came as the revelation, dispertion of Life, and the will of the Father (John 1, John 10:10, and 12:50). These are essential a manifesto of God by which we begin to grow in understanding of what God has done for us and do what He commands of us. Finally, in the that Jesus is who He says He is, we should all be filled with Hope that by knowing the true God, we have passed from death into Life. In the death of Jesus we are made whole and bound together in faith. Let us never forget the power God gives in new Life lest we be filled with dread in consideration of the world and it's prestence.
Remain in the peace of the Father, and the world can never harm you in the lonliness it offers.

Soli Deo Gloria!