The True Light which in enlightens men
Truth is the most important object in relation to humanity. It frames the weight of the matter and what is proposed in it's name. It is that which has been revealed, that which has been hidden, that which stands alone and erect as law, and that which alternately, is mired by diverse opinions of men. Truth is the immutable structure of what is seen, and also the unknown framework of what remains unseen. It is the unmovable constant of being in an unconstant universe in the state of becoming. It is the steady eye of condemnation upon dishonest society, as it is the judge and arbitrater of the unknown. Truth is the absurd of the dishonest, whereas what is dishonest is, alternately, the absurd to Truth. This Truth is the seat of Faith, that which has been revealed to the ones groping in darkness. It is the deep cavernous planet which sustains all inhabitants of wisdom and knowledge while supporting in it's profound deep the existential possibility of faith. Though it's surface is deeply explored, it's deep remains mysterious, yet remains there a solemn absolute testifying to the One thing. Truth is the ontological question and answer that remains. Toward man it is expressed as sunlight in the forest touching the tallest trees as well as the most obscure bush. It may also be rendered a needle sowing together the sinews of loose cloth to produce a useful article of clothing. Truth makes order from chaos, stillness from motion, productivity from unproductivity, and answers from questions.
Your eyes of eternity touch us. May we properly be filled with Your Light.
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