Friday, March 27, 2009

Christarchist Pt.1 The Individual

i am a Chistarchist. Christ-archism is the alternative of Anarchism. I know this is a realatively new concept to be heard for most people because of the fact that a "christian right" has been the only political option for most people who attend mainstream denominations in America (at least where i am from). An-archism, etymologically means "no ruler", while Christ-archism is the belief in the "Christ ruler". The more I read the Bible, particularly the books of Daniel and 1 Samuel, I am convinced that God intended for Himself a people who held their sole allegiance to Him. In the books of Samuel, we see God's people rebel and grieve God's Spirit as they beg for monarchal rule. God in His anger grants them this, but at a price. God promises His people that with a king will come many forms of injustice upon the people (1 Samuel 8). In Daniel, there is portrayed an everlasting Kingdom of God (Dan 4:31-32), this Kingdom is also presented in the Gospel of Mark by Jesus. Daniel had such clear meditation of this Kingdom, and all who fear God can see it coming eventually, but the thing that we must see today is the fact that we are citizens of heaven and must live as sojourners here on earth; that is, we must live for and by the One who has called us to Himself.

In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus is called the Son of God. This is easily overlooked today as just one of Jesus' many titles, but it is extremely significant to the identity of Christ in relation to His people. During the days of Jesus, the title "son of god" was reserved for the emperor of Rome. This emperor was considered the incarnation and presence of god on earth, and people under Roman rule were required to worship the emperor. Mark commits blasphemy against the State by attributing this title to Jesus, the true incarnation of God. What Mark asserts in the first verse of his Gospel is that Jesus is worthy of worship and that the emperor is a pretender; Jesus is our Ruler and will receive glory, not a profligate man deluded by his own position. Mark also talks a great deal about the humanity of Jesus. This is shown by the title, "son of man". Jesus humbled Himself and lived for the purpose given to Him by the Father: to love, teach and die for the people of God. He came to serve His people and teach them how to serve others. The purpose of Mark's Gospel is to teach Christians who Jesus is and how we are to follow Him. Thus we find our identity as Christians and God's identity revealed to us: the paradoxial nature of glory and humility revealed in the man/God Jesus.

All this said, i do not recognize authority on earth. i submit to establishments of government, but i submit to them according to the Biblical standard (Romans 12). i understand that Jesus is my Messiah, Prophet, Priest, and my King; thus i find it unecessary to associate myself with the government of the United States. i understand the instruction of Jesus on how to live life. If I follow this instruction, I do what is best for humanity for the glory of God. The commandments of Jesus can be summed up in love for God, then love for humanity.