Humility and Faith pt 1
Unless you become like a little child, you will not enter the kingdom of God."
Today in American society, p
eople are taught certain moral perspectives on life. People today can be very moral, in a civil sense, in their personal lives and yet be very far from the Kingdom of God. Many modern churches teach a certain code of ethics to the masses, yet they are far from the knowledge of God. The reason for this is that the vast majority of people lack the humility that God requires of His people. God said that he would look upon and be with the humble who are filled with contrition; who tremble at His words (Is 66:2), that He leads the humble in what is right, and that the humble are taught by Him (Ps 25:9). The Scriptures teach us that the spirits of the proud are unstable and that the righteous will live by reliance upon God (Hab 2:4), this reliance can only be found in the humble. In order to recieve such faith that lasts forever, a person must be clothed with humility. God does not lavish His grace upon the proud, but on the humble, who by their humility can look to Him in faith for the fulfillment of the will of God. Faith and humility are intertwined, they co-exist together within the saint binding him to Jesus who stands before the Father pleading for the needs of those bound to Him in faith. James tells us that God is against the proud, but is for the humble (Jas 4:6-10). James also admonishes us to turn to God by means of humble faith, changing our patterns of life that are not in accord with the will of God through lamentation, mourning, and weeping. This is the work of humility that is acceptable to God. So let us examine our lives with the prayer of the psalmist (Ps 139:23-24) and cleanse our hands with zeal for God and the humility of faith. With that, I will post two last admonitions from Scripture pertaining to the necessity of submition to God:
"See that you do not refuse the one who is speaking; for if they did not escape when they refused the one who warned them on earth, how much less will we escape if we reject the one who warns from heaven!"
"And we want each one of you to show the same diligence, so as to realize the full assurance of hope to the very end, so that you may not become sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises."
very nice, i do like this alot